Friday, February 12, 2010

When did "sick" become a good thing..or Understanding the jargon of your kid's Generation Y- Part 1

Some vocabulary translations to assist you in understanding
those born between 1982-2000

"Sick": anything very cool, admirable or noteworthy of compliment
"That outfit is sick."
What we call it: A fake reason to take a day off from work and/or
a child costing us $500 for yet another emergency room visit.

"Creeping" and/or "creepin".. to visit/analyze/contemplate on someone else's business
Example: "My mom's been creepin' on my facebook page again and/or MMBCOMFBA"
(online DaVinci Code version)
What we call it: Good Parenting

"tight": anything that sounds perfect or smooth, or entertains melodically or visually.
Example: "That SAW video is tight."
What we call it: "tight"- Pantyhouse that cut off the flow of blood to our abdomens, and/or underwire bras that sliced the midsection like a Ginsui knife.
What our Grandmothers called it: Girdles
"Fronting" and/or "Frontin.." to incite an argument or altercation using one's body language in a menacing or annoying manner. Also, to pretend to be something you aren't to get your way.
Example: "She was all frontin' in my face and I was like, back right the hell off b*!@."
What we call it: One more word:
Example: "ONE MORE WORD...just ONE MORE WORD and I'll give you something to cry about.."
"Just wait til your father gets home."

Angela Barbeisch..Diva on a Rant Feb. 2010

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