Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why we're Mad about Molly..

Molly the Owl, the internet sensation, along with her husband, McGee, and four owlets have been taking up much of my time lately.

I'm watching people in a chatroom come together from all corners of the world,
observing, commenting and living vicariously through Molly and the care of her owls.

Each of us sees a part of us in Molly.

We see the exhausted Mother, endlessly caring for her chicks..

Her sweetness..her kindess..and yes, she does tend to get her feathers ruffled occasionally.

Let's admit it: we're fascinated watching her rip a bunny to shreds and feed it to her brood. We're content when all have been fed, and Molly tucks everyone away under her wing.

We all want the simplicity of Molly's life, that which nature has bestowed on a certain few.

She doesn't have the electric bill to fret about. She has her youngest,Austin, pouting in a corner.

She doesn't care about the latest political environment or health care issues. She cares about when her husband, McGee, is finally going to arrive with dinner.

Because, for heaven's sake, she's gotta feed these kids!

And woe to McGee if he just comes for the booty call, and no food. OUT he goes.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to call the same shots?

"Honey..all I need is a few rabbits, rats and gophers. No, I don't expect you to babysit, or watch the kids so I can grab an DevOWL Dog, or Hostess Cowl Cake.

I love the warmth this has generated due to the great couple Carlos and Donna Royal of San Marcos California, who set the owl box up.

In this crazy world, it's nice to kick back and watch another Mommy doing all the work, and asking nothing in return.

Sorta like Grandma/Auntie benefits. You watch and enjoy, but then you turn the camera off and send the kids back to Momma.

Molly has helped fill my empty nest with joy. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

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